Last night, I held The Change Concept's first Self Care Workshop.
I had so many ideas and concerns about how the event would go. Would women sign up? Would they want to participate and have discussion? Would we have enough time? Would everyone be comfortable and open to sharing?
I realize now, after such a beautiful night, with amazing women and in depth conversation, that all of my anxiety was pointless.

The goals of this company are simple:
to bring women together, giving them a sense of community and understanding
to give each other ideas, support and acknowledgment when it comes to making positive changes in our lives.
& to form new relationships with ourselves and with others who are just as motivated to live a more fulfilled life.
Our workshop brought all three of this company's goals to life. As we took time to understand why we deserve self care, almost every women spoke about taking care of someone else in her life.

As women, we focus so much of our energy and attention on the people that we love, but not much energy on our own health. That is why we hold workshops. We want to give each woman the opportunity, the few hours, the time away from home, to focus completely on herself.
I want women to understand that it is not selfish to give yourself the time, energy, attention and self care that you deserve. After all, the only way that we can truly care for others is if we are first taking care of ourselves.
For tickets to our next workshop, click the link below!
Tuesday, March 24th 7pm-9pm
Xtra Boutique
515 Fayette Street
Conshohocken, Pa 19428